Tech Deck
The Minkoff Group - LOCATION \\
Mountain View, CA - SIZE \\
16,000 SF roof deck/5,000 SF streetscape
Designed for a global information technology company, the Tech Deck in Mountain View, CA employs a large shade structure, a custom paving system, walls, decks, a game court, planting, and a green roof to create a new paradigm for infill workplaces in Silicon Valley that enables social interaction, and ecological performance. This high performance landscape sits in a magnificent panorama of Silicon Valley, the Bay, and Moffett Air Base. The elegance of the design is its ability to engage the panorama by creating a sense of approaching the edge without cluttering the view with railings. Sixty feet in the air, social spaces and building systems are merged with the horticultural conditions of diverse and dynamic planting compositions to manage 100% of the site’s storm water, create habitats for birds and pollinating insects, and contribute to the LEED objective for the project.
Photography: Mariko Reed / Bionic

The design maximizes the thin soil profile for plant growth, with seatwalls increasing the soil profile in select locations to accommodate trees.